How to create a Wifi HotSpot...??

  • A wifi Hotspot is a wifi source which is created by some device like router or some laptop or by something else.

  • The hotspot basically generates signals which can be used to connect to the internet.

  • So, when these signals gets in contact to your device like mobile,laptop you can also use the internet facilities.

  • The hotspot is also called tethering.

  • To make a wifi-hotspot on your laptop so that your dear ones can have access to net services, follow the following steps:-


1- Open control panel.

  • If the icons are viewed as small or large icons, click on networking and sharing center and goto step - 4.

  • If the icons are viewed in category mode, click on "Network and Internet".

3- Next, click on networking and sharing center.

4- Next,Click on "Setup a new connection or network".

5- A new window will pop up

6- Next,scroll down and select "Setup a wireless ad hoc(computer-to-computer) network".Then click next.

7-A window of some information will appear,so again click next

8-Now, you have to type two things:
  • The name of your Wifi-hotspot - "network name".
  • Security Key - To protect your network from unauthorized access.

9- Click Next

10-A new window will show setting up your network.Remember to check,that, your wifi is switched on.

11-Click on "Turn on Internet connection sharing".

12-Windows will show some process and in end your network will be available for use.

CONGRATZ....You have just created a "Wifi hotspot".


How to turn on your Wifi...??

  • First we get some knowledge about Wifi and wifi-hotspots.

  • Nowadays, people are using Internet through Wifi's.

  • WiFi stands for Wireless Fidelity

  • WiFi is the wireless way to handle networking. Wifi is technology which enables you to access wifi stations range so as to get access to the network.

  • But wifi hotspot is your own wifi station where other wifi enabled devices can connect you.

  • So,we should know how to connect your Laptop with a Wifi.So, Turn on Wifi using-:

  • There may be a tiny switch on the side of the laptop (or in the front) that turns the wireless ON/OFF. Make sure you’ve switched it on. 

  • On some laptops, wifi is activated using some key, instead of some switch.So, search for that key on your keyboard.

Sometimes, Wifi doesn't work, so for that follow the following steps.

1- Open control panel.

2- If the icons are viewed as small or large icons goto step - 4, but if the icons are viewed in category mode, click on Network and Internet.

3- Next, click on networking and sharing center.

4- Click on change adapter settings

5- Then right click on "Wireless Network Connections" and click on Enable


  • A vCard is an electronic business or personal card.

  • You may have seen a vCard attached to an e-mail or SMS someone has sent you. 

  • Software application developers can create programs that process vCards by letting you view them, or drag-and-drop them to an address book.

  • vCards can include images and sound as well as text.

  • To open (look at) a vCard that someone has sent you, your e-mail program needs to support vCards and not all such programs do yet. 

  • However, if you have an online address book or personal information manager that supports vCards, you can move your Vcard file to that program for viewing that file and storing it.

  • A promising future use of a vCard will be as a way to quickly fill in application forms on the Web.
     Just drag-and-drop your own vCard to the form and you won't have so many blanks to fill in. 

  • There is one more technology called vCalendar , a similar one, for personal time scheduling.

What is a QR-Code…?

  • They look like this:
  • Quick-response codes, better known as QR codes, were introduced in the auto industry in Japan in 1994 to track vehicles during manufacture.  

  • It is a customer engagement technique where the user scans the QR code box with their smartphone, and the mobile device takes the user to a designated site.

  • The first QR code scanner and reader applications for smartphones became available in the United States around 2010.

  • You may soon see QR Codes in a magazine advert, on a billboard, a web page or even on someone’s t-shirt. Once it is in your cell phone, it may give you details about that business. 

  • The reason why they are more useful than a standard barcode is that they can store much more data, including url links, geo coordinates, and text. The other key feature of QR Codes is that instead of requiring a chunky hand-held scanner to scan them, many modern cell phones can scan them.

  • The cell phone needs a QR code reader, like this one from Kaywa. It takes literally 1 minute for someone with an iPhone or Android phone to find and install the reader.

  • You can easily generate a QR code using a site like or you can use the Open Source codes to generate code for you. Google also provide many tools to develop QR code.

  • Your business, no matter how small or large, could use QR codes in a number of ways.

  • You could add one to your business card containing your contact details so its easy for someone to add you to their contacts on their cell phone.

  • Add them to any print advertising, brochures, posters, invites, TV ads etc containing:

  1. Product details
  2. Contact details
  3. Offer details
  4. Event details
  5. Competition details
  6. A coupon
  7. Twitter, Facebook, MySpace IDs
  8. A link to your YouTube video

  • Lack of exciting content. 

Users are experiencing that some companies’ QR codes are simply taking them to the company website or a boring ad. The users want a new and exciting experience when using this technology.

  • No built in QR scanner on the phones

Extremely popular phones for young individuals like iphone, Samsung Galaxy S 4, Sony Xperia, and some Nokia models, the lack of a QR code scanner adds more inconvenience for the user.

  • Bad locations. 

QR codes need to be in an area where the customer has time to go through the process.  This includes bus stops, subway stops, magazines, etc. Some QR codes are in places with customers in a hurry, or have bad cell service.

  • Universal Product Code (UPC):-These are the standard bar codes on most items available for purchase, and can also be used for presenting information to consumers with a scanning device.

  • Near Field Communication (NFC):-These are smartphones similar devices that establish radio connection by touching together or close proximity.

  • Gee.Am:-This is a creative way for people or advertisers to transfer data to their mobile devices via audio signals.

--]]Commands for Files

  • EDIT – It is used to edit a file.
1)Syntax is shown below:-

2)A text editor will be opened. With the help of it, you can make modifications in your opened file.

3)The screenshot of the changes, made.

4)Now just save your changes, by clicking on "File--]]Save ".

5)You can come out of the text-editor by going through "File--]]Exit".

6)Now, you are back to command prompt, so just type your file-name to verify your changes.

 7)Screenshot for the changes.

  • COPY It copies data of one file to another file.

  • DEL It simply deletes the file.

1)Syntax for delete:-

2)View of folder before deletion.

3)View of folder after deletion.

  • REN – It renames the specified file.

1)File before Renaming.

2)Applying renaming

3)File after Renaming.

  • MOVE – It moves the file from one location to another.

1)Showing file before moving it.

2)Running MOVE command

3)Showing file after moving it.

Command Prompt - Commands

--]]Commands for Directories

  • CD - Change the current drive or director
Example :-

1.) We are moving from directory Nish to directory User by typing " cd.. " in command line.

         2.) Next we are moving from drive C to drive D

  • DIR - It lists the current directory

  • DIR /b - It lists the directory bare

  • DIR /w - It lists the directory wide

  • CHDIR - Change the current directory (CD)

  • MKDIR - Make a new sub-directory

  • RMDIR - Remove an existing directory

  • XCOPY - It  is used for copying data from one place to another 

 1) First change the directory from where you want to copy the file.

2)Syntax for XCOPY

3)This is the directory containing our file 

4)Now, sometimes, when you are copying data into some specific folder like in "c:\nish\destination", then, it will give you two options

 --]] Do you want to create a special directory inside that folder and put the files (to be copied)into that directory.If yes, type "d" for directory.

 --]] Do you simply want to copy files directly into that folder.If yes, type "f" for files.

5)Copying process completed

6)Screenshot of the destination folder 


  • The Files and documents can of different type and this type is called extensions in computer terms.

  • Always remember, whatever you will type in CMD, it will be case-sensitive.

  1. javac
  2. javac
Both are different.

  • A document with a .doc, .xls, or .ppt extension :- Is a Word, Excel, or Powerpoint document

  • A file with a .exe, or a .dll extension :- Is an Executable or a Dynamic Link Library file

  • A file with a .dat extension :- Is typically some form of data file

  • A file with a .txt extension :- Is typically some form of text file

  • A file with a .zip extension :- Is typically some form of compressed file

  • Now in order to give instructions to computer the user gives Commands.

  • They are as follows:-
  1. CLS:-To clear up the screen
  2. HELP:- List help for all commands
  3. HELP[cmd]:- List help for given command