Creating File in CentOS Docker container

Let's create a file in the centos container.

So, you can see above

- I have a created a directory in my Centos Container (ae358738....) called Sample

- I have created a SampleText.txt file in it

- I exited the centos docker container

Now, to check this file again, we need to restart the same docker container
so, we use

[Press Enter]

And we are back to the same centos container and we can see our files back in it.

So, in this way, we can play between many Operating Systems keeping our whole work in each container safe also.

Exiting Ubuntu Docker Container

Now, to exit this UBUNTU docker container, simply type exit

now, to see the history of container you created, exited, on-going etc, type

To see only running containers,

Remember, if you open a ubuntu image 3 times, so, every time, there will be a different docker container.
And so, from the image, you can see, the containerID. They represent that I opened same ubuntu image multiple times, but, all were having a different docker container.

Docker commands (cont.)

To grab the image and download, docker has a pull command (sudo docker pull --help)

if well an image without tag, for instance

it will download multiple images of ubuntu as shown below

So, to avoid this downloading of multiple images, we use a tag

So, with a tag,

here, latest is acting a keyword which will bring down the latest version of ubuntu

To check the existing images in your local directory, type

To kill any running docker container,type

To delete any docker container,type


Docker is a virtualization technology like virtual box or vmware.

Allows multiple OS with multiple functionalities

The idea of docker is to virtualize all the apps on one Operating System. So, I can run 
multiple virtualization functionalities on a single OS and having those functionalities isolated from each other.

If you have an app which uses Java7 and there is an app which uses Java 8 , then through Docker both of them can run on a single OS side by side simultaneously, without installing both the JDK's on your machine keeping both of them completely isolated from each other .

Virtualization means having a disk image that represents the system we are running on. So, the docker registry contain tons of such images which we can containerise and use to run anywhere. The docker company and communities maintain this registry.

Remember, docker always require admin access, so use "sudo"