How to send an email as SMS to someone?

Have you ever thought of sending an SMS from your computer through internet

Well, there is a way

Let's Say our PhoneNumber is 9876543210

1 Open up your email service on your computer
2 Compose your email and in the recipients, type is the domain for the carrier - Tmobile.

For your carrier like Vodafone, Verizon etc. , you will have to look for domain name over here.

Check which services are running

To see which services are running, we are going to use the service keyword


Its almost the same way in all Linux Platforms.

In CentOS, its like this

service < option > | --status-all | [ service_name [ command | --full-restart ] ]

> service --status-all | grep postgres

postgresql-9.4 (pid  31632) is running...

To restart a service 

service application_name restart

> service postgresql restart

Outlook got stuck at startup? [WINDOWS]

Once when I opened my outlook, it got stuck at the start up screen and keep on showing "Processing..." Message forever.

So straight to the point, here's one of the methods, we can apply to make it open and let it repair itself.

Windows_KEY + R (Run window will pop-up)

then type

outlook.exe /safe


Outlook will repair itself and after few minutes, re-open your outlook normally as you always do (without using the above method), and it should work fine this time.