How to create symbolic links in Linux

Symbolic Links are basically a link to some application. They save your time to everytime go to that particular folder deep into the directory structure to start your application.

We can create a symbolic link by :-

ln -s location_of_your_link  your_term_for_link


ln -s /usr/local/bin/eclipse eclipse

now when you type eclipse on terminal, it will go to that location_of_your_link and open it.

To confirm, the link has been created, try these

  1. Type eclipse and it will open up the application
  2. Use the command "ls -la", and you will see something like this 
lrwxrwxrwx.   1 tchander tchander         22 Nov 17  2015 eclipse -> /usr/local/bin/eclipse
arrow (->) means symbolic link

Enjoy Linux...

Contiguous Memory Allocation?

Contiguous Memory Allocation

Contiguous memory allocation is a classical memory allocation model that assigns a process, consecutive memory blocks (that is, memory blocks having consecutive addresses).