
  • The Files and documents can of different type and this type is called extensions in computer terms.

  • Always remember, whatever you will type in CMD, it will be case-sensitive.

  1. javac
  2. javac
Both are different.

  • A document with a .doc, .xls, or .ppt extension :- Is a Word, Excel, or Powerpoint document

  • A file with a .exe, or a .dll extension :- Is an Executable or a Dynamic Link Library file

  • A file with a .dat extension :- Is typically some form of data file

  • A file with a .txt extension :- Is typically some form of text file

  • A file with a .zip extension :- Is typically some form of compressed file

  • Now in order to give instructions to computer the user gives Commands.

  • They are as follows:-
  1. CLS:-To clear up the screen
  2. HELP:- List help for all commands
  3. HELP[cmd]:- List help for given command


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