[21st Feb,2013]
- Defragmentation reduces Fragmentation in memory.
- To understand why defragmentation (or defrag) is necessary, let’s go over how a hard drive stores files.
- Our hard drive is made up of sectors and blocks. When a document, picture or some file wants to get saved on your hard drive, the drive needs to find enough space to put it.
- To make most efficient use of the space on your hard drive (and allow you to easily delete/move files), the hard drive breaks up the files into little pieces and stores them where there is available space on the drive.
- The result of this is a file that may exist as a single, but pieces of it may be in 3 different parts of the hard drive.
- When you go to open the picture the hard drive knows to look in those 3 separate areas to get the complete file.
So why do you need to defragment if the hard drive knows where to look?
Basically 2 Reasons :-
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